Pretty Cure Fanseries Wiki

Haiyo! So I have A LOT of ideas popping in right now about Homestuck Pretty Cure. And here is a list of them and lemme know what you think! Should I add it in or not? Also I asked help from my Homestuck friend on deciding two things on the idea.

  • Dancestors/ancestors will be the previous Homestuck Pretty Cures, kinda like the previous Go!Pri Cures. And  maybe they could get some cameos.
  • The beta and alpha kids are Cure helpers. Yes. All of them. All 8 of them. 
  • The mascot/s would be God Cat/Becquerel.
  • Their Cure Outfits would have some sort of resemblance to their god tier outfits. The hoods and color scheme and stuffs. Sort of like the Gangs of Skaia picture if you've seen it.
  • It would be the only series to be rated PG-13 with the gore and foul language and stuff (COD DAMNIT KARKAT)
  • The trolls are humanstuck and they live in an Alternia-like town.
  • Moirails are childhood friends (maybe)
  • Eridan and Feferi live in a mansion at a nearby island while Gamzee lives in the beach reflecting their rank in the hemospectrum.
  • Eridan,Vriska and Gamzee will turn evil and join in the antagonists but eventually will be cleansed by the rest just to reflect that Eri, Vris and Gam are antagonists in the web-comic.
  • Cure Leader is OBVIOUSLY Karkat. *OBVIOUSLY*.
  • Canon-fantrolls (Mierfa and Wektan) will make a cameo (maybe).

So that's some of the ideas I could think of. If ya'll have anythingin mind about this fan series, I would love to know!

